Editorial Strategy and Planning


Editorial strategies act as the bridge between a content strategy and the words you end up writing. They are about working out what you want to say, who you want to say it to and how you’re going to say it.

An editorial strategy process would go something like this:

  • If you don’t already have one we’d first talk about a content strategy
  • We’d look at content pillars and think about what your audience needs to know and why
  • It’s then time to brainstorm content topics
  • We’ll decide which platforms we’ll use to tell your stories
  • Develop an editorial plan so you know what content is needed and when
  • We can then either leave you to it or deliver on that editorial plan by writing your content.

Web Copy


Some folks think anyone can write web copy but those folks are wrong. Barbara in accounts can NOT write you good quality, message-driven, audience-specific, SEO friendly, organic content. But I can, so give Babs the day off.

I’ve worked with B Corps, digital agencies, global marketing teams, start-ups, government departments and lone wolves to write all kinds of web copy for all kinds of businesses. When we work together we would:

  • Talk about you and your business
  • Have a chat about tone of voice
  • Start to draft copy
  • Take the copy through two rounds of amends
  • Hand it over, it’s all yours.

Blogs and long-form storytelling


I love writing blogs. I’ve now written so many for so many different people, brands and businesses that I have an infinite amount of knowledge that’s absolutely no good to anyone. Although, it does make me an excellent addition to your pub quiz team.

I can write blogs and long-form articles from ideas already fully formed or we can get together for a brainstorming session and collaborate on final topics and direction.



I’m so happy writing other things and I do. A lot. I’ve written about brands and businesses for national magazines and newspapers, pulled together annual reports for not for profits, developed tone of voice guides for start-ups and huge corporates. I’ve written product descriptions for jewellery, lingerie, cosmetic and technology brands and have written a number of luxury travel brochures.

  • Tone of voice guides
  • Annual reports
  • Product descriptions
  • Brochures
  • EBooks.
"Nikki worked with us on Portable's Future of Death report. She was with our research team at the beginning of the process and then, once the report was published, used her journalism background to write longform stories around the topic. Nikki's belief in the power of storytelling to drive change was always apparent and we loved having her help tell our story."

– Sarah Kaur, Chief Strategy Officer, Portable
